Few are the patients who are in the know that the operation to remove wisdom teeth is comparable in its complexity with appendicitis removal. Moreover, the correct removal of an atypically located tooth helps to avoid complications, which, unfortunately, are not infrequent.
We remove atypically located wisdom teeth of any level of complexity. We use a special ultrasonic knife (piezotom), which can significantly increase the accuracy of the surgeon. In addition, the risk of edema is significantly reduced and the time required for recovery is reduced.
Improper removal of wisdom teeth, both in adults and children, can lead to curvature of the dentition, the onset of inflammation, infection and loss of adjacent teeth.
Early diagnosis of the location and condition of “sleeping” teeth will save you from unnecessary worries in the future!
The tooth is extracted after a preliminary X-ray examination (and, where required, after CBCT), under local anesthesia or sedation (if so desired by the patient).
After surgery, medication will be prescribed to the patient. On the 3rd day after the operation a control examination is held. In 1-week time, the sutures are removed.
You should be aware that untimely removal of wisdom teeth can bring about, in both adults and children, a distortion of the dental arches, inflammatory processes, infection and loss of adjacent teeth.
Fill out the form and we will call you during business hours to arrange the time.