Installation of veneers

A veneer is an overlay about 0.2 mm thick that is placed on the outer surface of the tooth. Veneers are a modern method for a long-term teeth restoration. Veneers are made either of zirconium dioxide or special high-strength ceramics.

To place veneers, a minimum preparation of the tooth is required. In case of diastema (a gap between teeth) or where enamel has been pathologically erased, it is possible to fix veneers without prior treatment of the tooth surface.

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Indications for veneers

  • Defects in tooth shape and color
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Cracks and chips in tooth enamel
  • Gingival recession (wedge-shaped defects)
  • Abnormally erased teeth

Contraindications for veneers

  • The lack of chewing teeth
  • Malocclusion
  • Fillings that take up a large part of the tooth surface
  • A large area of the tooth surface has been destroyed

What are the benefits of veneers?

A veneer is a thin ceramic overlay. In the past, dentists used to do a so-called intra-oral restorations. That is, the damaged enamel or other damaged part of the tooth was removed, and the tooth was restored with photopolymer immediately in the oral cavity, giving the tooth the desired shape and color. However, in the course of time, such restorations changed the color and had to be replaced, especially in the front teeth area.

Now, a veneer is an extra-oral restoration. First, the tooth is processed for restoration, then its cast is sent to the laboratory for producing a ceramic lining. The resulting ceramic overlay is glued to the tooth with special cement.

The main advantage of a veneer lies its high aesthetic value, with minimal injury to the tooth and maximum preservation of healthy tooth tissue.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have a veneer without having my tooth prepared (grinded)?

No. Even if there diastemata or tremata (gaps between teeth), the tooth (teeth) will have to be prepared. Veneers cannot not just be glued to your teeth, they need ‘a step’ for the veneers to be mounted and glued in the right position.

How long do veneers serve?

For a long time. At least 20 years. When speaking about teeth, we usually mean their crowns that are easily seen in the mouth. However, teeth are surrounded with mucous lining, that is gum, and also there is underlying bone. As time goes on, tissues age, gums will recede, thereby exposing extra bone that was not visible before. Where this is the case, veneers will have to be replaced.

Should the veneer break or get cracked, is it possible to fix it?

If a veneer breaks or cracks, it is beyond repair, and a new one must be made.

Does it hurt to place veneers?

The placement of veneers is as painless as mounting crowns. It is a common absolutely pain-free dental manipulation.

Veneer Team


Osadchy clinic

Розташування стоматології

Number of Procedures

We have placed over 7,000 veneers since the Clinic’s inception in 2007.

dental care

Quality Assurance

Our laboratories use high-tech materials to create a natural or ultra-white smile that will delight the patient for years to come.

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